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Creation of the Regiment

The 45eme Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne was originally created in 1643 as the Regiment de la Reine-Mere. It was part of the Armee d'Italie in 1792-94 and formed part of the l'Interieure and de Reserve during the period 1795-99. A flag taken at the fall of Mantua on 30 July 1799, and currently on show  in the Army Museum in Vienna, belonged to the 3e bataillon 45eme and has the Pont de Lodi, Bataille de Castiglione, combat sur la Brenta, Bataille d'Arcolo, 1re et 2e Bataille de Rivoli and the Bataille de St George shown on it.

In 1802 the Regiment saw service in Switzerland and from 1802 to 1805 it was part of L'Armee de Hanovre. The Regiment took part in the campaigns in Austria, Prussia, and Poland and was sent to Spain and saw service at Talavera, Chiclana,  Albuhera, Alba de Tormes, Vittoria and in Germany at Dresden in 1813. The rest of the regiment were seeing action at Nivelle, Orthez, and Toulouse. In 1815 it took part in the Waterloo campaign.

An abridged history of the 45eme Infanterie Regiment de Ligne (1643 -1898) translated from the original version by Captain X.Poli is available in the central and right hand attached pdf links.  An updated and translated version is also available in the left hand pdf link.

1643: Created as Regiment de la Reine-Mere
1666: Renamed Regiment d'Arois
1673: Renamed Regiment de la Couronne
1791:  45eme Regiment de Infanterie
1793:  45eme demi-brigade de bataille (formed from the following)

  • 1er bataillon 23e Regiment de Ligne

  • 1er bataillon Volontaires des Basse-Alpes

  • 1er bataillon Volontires de la Lozere

1796:  45eme demi-brgade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following)

  • 100e demi-brigade de bataille (2e Bat 50eme Regt d'Inf, 7e Bat Vol des Bouches-du-Rhone and Bat Vol de Tarascon)

  • 105eme demi-brigade de bataille (1er Bat, 53eme Regt d'Inf and 1er and 2e Bat Vol du Gers)

Bataillon Volontaires des Basse-Alpes
1803:   45eme Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

The original Latin motto for the Regiment was 'Hanc Coronam Mastreka Dedit' which translates as 'Maastricht gave this crown’.

Regimental War Record (Battles and Combat)

1792:     Valmy and Siege of Lille
1793:     Nerwinden and Wattignies
1794:     Courtrai and Capture of Ypres
1796:     Lodi, Mantoue, Saint-Georges, and Castiglione
1797:     Mantoue
1799:     Magnano, Cassano, Novi, Gavi, and Tortone
1801:     Casa-Nova
1805:     Austerlitz
1806:     Crewitz and Lubeck
1807:     Ostrelenka and Friedland
1808:     Espinosa-de-los-Monteros
1809:     Alcantara, Aspern-Essling, Wagram, Talevera-de-la-Reina,and Almonacid
1811:     Barrosa, Fuentes-de-Onoro, and Albuera
1812:     Cadiz
1813:     Vittoria, Echalar, Nivelle, and Bayonne
1813:     Dresden and Dantzig
1814:     Garris, Orthez, and Toulouse
1815:     Waterloo

Battles Honours

  • Lodi 1796

  • Austerlitz 1805

  • Friedland 1807

  • Essling 1809

  • Wagram1809

Research Documents

pdf 1 Colonels, Chef de Brigade & Officer Casualties 1805-1815 and Regimental History during the Restoration and Waterloo Campaign
pdf 2 Waterloo - Death of the Eagle
pdf 3 The Eagle - The Eagle and Flag Today - Restoration Report (see images at bottom of page)

pdf 4 Flemish Conscripts Memoirs from 45e

pdf 5 The Battle of Waterloo - Scots Greys - Eye Witness Accounts

pdf 6 Officer and NCO casualties 1805-15. Tableaux, par corps et par batailles, des officiers tués et blessés pendant ... Martinien, Aristide (1843-1912)

French Drill

1791 Ecole du peloton.pdf

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